Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Getting to know your goat....

"Who knew a goat had a fore udder and a rear udder?" I asked myself as I was casually looking through goat images and came across this informative picture to the right. I studied it closely and then realized this was no page of a coloring book, thoughts of barbecue sauce and A-1 were lingering in the back of my mind. Now, I'm no expert on goat anatomy....but when I examine the diagram above and see edible terms like Ribs, Thigh, Rump, & Brisket, I imagine this poster-size on the wall at a butcher. This "cute" picture is nothing more than a page in a cookbook, instructions on the 25 ways the fillet your goat. Incomprehensible. I'm disgusted at the thought. Once again I'm back to asking myself how anyone could eat a goat, why one would do so with so many other forms of meat available?

Unfortunately, I found an answer. Along with being much cheaper than other available meats, according to the USDA, its also healthier.

Per 3 oz. Cooked

also........ Cholesterol (mg) .....63.8 .......76 .....73.1 .....73.1 .....78.2

Data from USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Release 14 (July 2001).

Searching the web over I found website after website dedicated to keeping the world informed on the benefits of goat eating, the best goat recipes, and where to buy your goat meat....I even came across a "goat association" that claimed "Goat is the most FRIENDLY red meat"! Please, someone explained what is friendly about red meat. I'm a bit confused.

Words I would use to describe red meat: red, juicy, germy, expensive, fatty, lean, aged, prime, medium-well, raw

Words I would not use to describe red meat: cute, precious, welcoming, honest, personable, loving, friendly.

So please, someone tell me if you share in my confusion of this image below....

Oh, its not clear enough? Let me help you identify exactly where I'm confused.... I'll zoom in for you.

These people must be crazy. I rest my least for today.


Player, Coach, Captain said...

Personally, I've always liked my goat in a hearty Greek goat stew.

It's especially comforting now that I know it's healthy even if their is a chance I could be eating Paris or Nicky.

Old show horses end up in the glue factory, old goats end up on my plate.

Unknown said...

hahaha sarah jane i just read this and it is hilarious to me! if i still lived in america, i would share your thoughts COMPLETELY. before i left for kenya and i heard that they eat goat here a lot, i was disgusted and scared that i would be forced to eat it too. so last weekend some british people invited me over to dinner, and what did they put before me, but roasted goat. i was starving and with no other options, and i had to be polite, and they told me it's delicious. so i ate it. and it was pretty good.

now to your comment of "why would anyone eat goat where there are plenty of other red meat options?" well, in africa there really aren't much other meat options. there is beef, but the cows here are weird and skinny - like the ones in cambodia. chickens are scrawny and tough too. so people raise goats and eat them.

but rest assured, when i return to america, i will not eat goat anymore!